When Your Light Feels Low

I think we’ve all been there. We’ve all had days when we look in the mirror and we see a hollow version looking back. We don’t see that sparkle, the shine, the fire, the little light that burns diligently inside us. We go through the mental checklists of what’s been going on in life, what’s coming up, where the stress and pressures are… the overwhelm starts to set in and we walk away from the mirror feeling more hollow, more dimly lit and maybe even a little sad.

As we begrudgingly get ready for the day maybe our mind wanders to a time when there were fewer responsibilities, fewer demands on our time, fewer to-do’s on the ever growing and rolling list existed. It’s hard to not start to resent some of the requirements in the life that we’re currently living. It’s hard to slap on the happy face, find the plastic, “I’m good,” response and believe it. It’s easy to let the negative start to pull us in and create an ugly story about how we got here and how we’ll never get out.

So how do we stop feeling down when our light feels low? How do we pull ourselves out of the darkness? How do we get back to feeling like our light is shining bright for ourselves and for others?

I would venture to say that a lot of the things we let stress us out are things we prayed for at one time. The mortgage or rent, the car payments, the career, the spouse, the kids, the pets, the commitments we made to our friends, family, church or other organizations were perhaps a deep desire in your heart. The longing to own a home, the desire to find the “right one”, the want to start a family, the desperation to feel important in the community, the effort put in for the promotion… did you think those prayers would be unheard?

Granted, some prayers seem like they float through heaven for a looooong time before reaching the Creator’s ears but the truth is we know God hears us. Some prayers seem like they’ve just only been uttered before God is working them out and letting us know. Sometimes He’s working for us way before we even realize what to ask. Regardless of how the time feels one of the promises of the Bible is that God is working all things to our good IF WE LET HIM. God hears us. God loves us. God’s timing is perfect. God is pushing us to our edge to grow us into stronger believers, more committed disciples and experienced people for Him.

One of the most difficult yet rewarding parts of having faith is the IF WE LET HIM part. We so often try to fight the fight ourselves. We think we have the best plan. We think we know exactly how the situation should play out. We think if we handle it all correctly there won’t be stress or pressure. But the reality is, if you believe, you know God has the master plan at His finger tips. He sees all and knows all. And while you may feel like the responsibilities of the world, your community, your family, just being you, is weighing you down I would venture to say we feel that way because instead of LETTING HIM we are trying to take control. Let it go.

It can feel like a sticky situation; waiting vs. working. I don’t believe that God wants us to sit back and wait and pray and rest on our laurels hoping that the right things will fall into our lap. I believe our God is a God of action. I believe He loves that we want to move forward and yet for His plan sometimes our patience is required. We know that our works are important. We also know that our works on their own are stale and lackluster. This is where “pray without ceasing” comes to mind.

I find myself praying often, “I don’t know what to do in this situation, Lord, but here’s what my hope is and what I’m working towards. If I’m on the right track give me know, let my light feel bright. If I need to adjust my path show me the way.” Seems simple and yet when I relinquish control while putting in my best effort I can feel my light start to come back.

The weight of the world will dim your light. The weight of your world will dim your light. God wants to yoke up with you, no matter where you are and share the burden, even relieve the burden so your light can shine for Him, for you and for the world.

All this to say and circle back around to my original question, what do we do when our light feels low? My first and loudest answer: to check in with how you are “Letting Him.” Are you fighting on your own or are you yoked up with God who wants to carry the heavy stuff? Are you in prayer? Are you really able to Let Him?

My second and equally loud answer: be grateful. Instead of saying I’m so stressed out about the mortgage this month, say, “I’m so thankful for this home. Help me fully enjoy the space, ease my worry, increase my joy, bring opportunity my way.” Shifting just the way you speak about stress changes how you feel about it and what you feel like you can do about it. It takes practice but gratitude in all situations is a form of LETTING HIM.

Beyond digging in with God, assessing if you’re trying to carry too much alone and feeling grumbly instead of grateful here are a few other things you can do if you're feeling down and your inner light feels dim:

  1. Take care of your physical health: Get enough sleep, eat nutritious food, and engage in regular exercise. Taking care of your physical health can help improve your mood and increase your energy levels.

  2. Connect with others: Reach out to friends or family members who you can talk to and lean on for support. Social connection can help us feel less alone and provide a sense of comfort.

  3. Practice self-care: Take time for yourself to do things you enjoy, such as reading a book, taking a bath, or listening to music. Engaging in activities that bring you pleasure can help boost your mood and increase your sense of well-being.

  4. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, can help you feel more grounded and present in the moment. This can help reduce feelings of anxiety or overwhelm.

  5. Seek professional support: If you're struggling to cope with low mood, don't hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional. They can provide support, guidance, and resources to help you feel better.

You were made to shine. Don’t put yourself so far to the back that you can’t even see your light anymore. You were made to live in this time, in the place you are, with people you do for a reason. You are no accident. You are loved and cared for and heard. You don’t have to struggle alone… and lastly, let me say, if you are frustrated, overwhelmed, sad, angry, etc… God is big enough to wrestle out those feelings with you. Getting it out sometimes makes it easier to LET HIM.

Keep your hopes lifted and lights bright



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